Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

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This document constitutes Site Service Usage Agreement (“Agreement”) between you as a user of the site and us / PT. Realco Winta Indonesia (“RWI”) is the site manager.

Before using the Site Services, you must read, understand and agree to all the terms and conditions below. Please read the contents of this Agreement carefully. By
continuing to use the site, you are declared to have agreed to be bound by this Agreement with RWI. If you do not accept or agree to some of the Agreement’s contents, you are not allowed to continue using the site.

Concerning the use of the site, both RWI and you are protected by law based on regulations regarding Information and Electronic Transactions and Intellectual Property
Rights as well as based on the Civil Code applicable in the Republic of Indonesia.

1. Preliminary

1.1. The existence of this Privacy Policy is a real commitment from Realco to respect and protect every personal data of site users (Realco site).

1.2. Personal Data is specific personal data that is stored, maintained, and kept true and protected by confidentiality.

1.3. Certain Individual Data is any accurate and actual information attached and identifiable, either directly or indirectly, to each individual whose utilization follows the legislation’s provisions.

1.4. Personal Data Owner’s Approval, from now on referred to as Approval, is a written statement either manually and/or electronically given by the Personal Data Owner after receiving a complete explanation regarding the actions of acquisition, collection, processing, analysis, storage, appearance, announcement, delivery, and dissemination. And confidentiality or non-confidentiality of Personal Data.

1.5. This policy (along with the terms of use of the Realco website as stated in the “Terms & Conditions” and other documents listed on the website) establishes the basis for all personal data that Users provide to Realco or that Realco collects from Users, will then be processed by Realco from the time the User registers, accesses and uses Realco services. Please pay close attention to the provisions below to understand Realco’s views and habits regarding the way Realco treats such information.

1.6. This Privacy Policy may be changed and/or updated from time to time without prior notice. Realco recommends that Users read carefully and check this Privacy Policy page from time to time for any changes. By continuing to access and use Realco’s services, the User is deemed to have agreed to the changes in this Privacy Policy.

1.7. By accessing and using the services of the site, the User is deemed to have read, understood, and given his consent to the collection and use of the User’s data as described below.

2. User Data Information

2.1. Realco collects User information to process and expedite the process of using the site. Such actions have obtained the User’s consent at the time of information collection.

2.2. Realco collects personal information when Users register with Realco, when They use Realco services, when They visit Realco pages or the pages of certain partners of Realco, and when they contact Realco. Realco may combine information about Users we have with information from business partners or other companies.

2.3. When a User registers to become a Realco User, Realco will collect the User’s full name, e-mail address, place and date of birth, a telephone number that can be contacted, password, and other necessary information. By providing such information/data, the User understands that Realco may request and obtain any User’s personal information/data for the continuity and security of this site.

2.4. Realco will collect and process user visits to the Realco site, including but not limited to traffic data, location data, weblogs, links, or other communication data, whether this is required for billing purposes or otherwise, as well as the resources that Users access.

2.5. When the User contacts Realco, Realco keeps a record of the correspondence and the content of the communication between the User and Realco.

2.6. Realco automatically receives and records information from Users’ computers and browsers, including IP addresses, Realco cookie information, software and hardware attributes, and pages that Users request.

2.7. Every User information/data submitted to Realco and/or collected by Realco is protected with the best possible efforts by tested security devices, which are used by Realco electronically.

2.8. Confidentiality of passwords or passwords is the responsibility of each User. Realco is not responsible for any losses that may arise due to the User’s negligence in maintaining the confidentiality of his password.

3. User Of Information On User Data

3.1. It is possible to conduct development activities (including, but not limited to, data analysis, surveys, product and/or service development) via email, mail, telephone, or fax to analyze how Users use Realco services. This aims to improve Realco’s services or products and/or the User experience.

3.2. Enables audits and surveys to, among other things, validate the size and composition of the target audience, as well as understand User experience with Realco services.

3.3. In conducting business, Realco will/may need to use, process, disclose and/or transfer the User’s data to third-party service providers, our affiliates or related companies, and/or other third parties for one or more of the Purposes stated in on. Such third-party service providers, affiliates, related companies, and/or other third parties will process the User’s data on behalf of Realco or other parties for one or more of the Purposes mentioned above. Realco will endeavor to ensure that third parties and Realco affiliates maintain the security of the User’s data from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, processing, or similar risks and retain the User’s data only for as long as User’s data is required for the purposes stated above. On. User’s data will be stored in the electronic system for a minimum of 5 (five) years; if the personal data is not used, it will be destroyed and/or other treatment following the laws and regulations that specifically regulate it. Such third parties include, without limitation; Realco’s subsidiaries, affiliates, and related companies; service providers, and other third parties that Realco uses to support its business. This includes but is not limited to parties who provide administrative or other services to us, such as postal services, logistics service providers, financial service providers, telecommunications companies, information technology companies, and data centers; government or regulatory authority having jurisdiction over Realco.

3.4. The site has the possibility of being connected to other sites outside the Realco site; thus, the User is aware and understands that Realco is not responsible for the confidentiality of User information after the User accesses these sites by leaving or being outside the Realco site.

4. User Information Disclosure

4.1. Realco guarantees that there will be no sale, transfer, distribution, or lending of the User’s personal information/data to other third parties without the User’s permission. Except in the following cases:

4.1.1. If Realco, in whole or in part, its assets are acquired or merged with a third party, the personal data held by Realco will be one of the assets transferred or merged.

4.1.2. Suppose Realco is obliged to disclose and/or share the User’s data to comply with legal obligations and/or to enforce or apply the terms of use of Realco as stated in the Terms and Conditions of Realco services and/or other agreements between Realco and third parties, or to protect the rights, property or safety of Realco, Realco users or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations to protect Realco and its Users, including but not limited to fraud, financial loss, or other risk reduction.

5. Cookies

5.1. Cookies are small files that will automatically take place on the User’s computer device to identify and monitor the User’s network connection, thus enabling the User to access the services of the Realco website optimally.

5.2. These cookies are not intended to be used when accessing information/data that the User has on the User’s computer other than what the User has agreed to submit.

5.3. Although the User’s computer device will automatically accept cookies, the User can make modifications through the User’s browser settings by choosing to refuse cookies (this choice can limit the optimal service when accessing the site).

5.4. Realco has used the Google Analytics Demographics and Interest feature. The data we obtain from these features, such as age, gender, and users’ interests, will be used to develop the Realco website and content. If you don’t want your data to be tracked by Google Analytics, you can use the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On.

5.5. Realco can and has the right to use the features provided by third parties to improve Realco’s services and content, including adjusting advertisements to each User based on interests or visit history.

6. Not Application

6.1. Suppose any provision in this Privacy Policy is determined by a judicial body to be invalid, void, or unenforceable. In that case, the provision must be implemented to the fullest extent permitted by law following the embodiment of the wishes of the parties and the validity and enforceability of the provisions contained in this Privacy Policy. Otherwise, this Privacy Policy cannot be affected, hindered, or rendered invalid.

7. Criticism & Suggestion

7.1. Any criticism, suggestions, or other needs can be submitted via e-mail to